Printable Road Trip Games
Hey guys! Summer is almost upon us, and today I wanted to share some super fun printable road trip games you can print and take along to pass the time with your family. These are so much fun, and include a scavenger hunt, an A-Z search, as well as a really fun map you can color of all the states you’ve visited, and some fun family conversation starters for the car! I also had to go back in and add one of my favorite things to look for on trips- license plates we pass from every state!

We have family that lives all over the US, from Alabama to West Virginia, and even all the way over to Texas! This makes for some pretty long car rides that I took as a kid, and now I take with my own kids. Flying can be so expensive, so we drive pretty much any time we want to take a trip or visit far away family. I’ve survived many road trips as a kid myself, and have done them now with toddlers, and my now older kids, too. I have a lot of tips to share, and I just thought these printables were so much fun. To download them, sign up for my email list below!
More Ways to Pass the Time in the Car
There are so many great ways to pass the time when you are stuck in the car on a long trip. Obviously, electronics today make it super easy, but it is important to always have plenty of chargers. We love these multi-usb port chargers for the car, and these chargers that are compatible with multiple types of devices can come in so handy!
If you want a device for your little ones in the car, but don’t want to risk handing them an expensive iPad, we love Amazon’s fire kids tablet with the kid proof case. For the Amazon fire kid’s tablet, you can get Amazon Kids +, which was our favorite when our kiddos were younger so that they could safely access age appropriate games, videos, and books! What we would do when ours were younger, is bring activities, toys, and things like that for them to do, and save the electronics for closer to the end of the trip when they were really getting antsy and tired of being in the car. It worked great.
Of course, once your older kiddos have phones and other devices, they probably have all the entertainment they need, right at their fingertips.
For mom and dad, whoever is not driving, we love listening to podcasts, reading with our kindle unlimited, or listening to audio books with audible.
Crossword puzzles and other games are also a great idea to pass the time. There are even similar options for kids, we love these fun highlights hidden pictures books to keep them busy for a bit.

Then, of course our printable road trip games are a great idea to print before hand and stash away in the car, just to break up the monotony. Sign up below to download them!
Must Have Road Trip Supplies
Now, when it comes to going on a trip, you know you have to pack all the things for once you’ve arrived there like clothes and toiletries, but what about supplies for the actual trip. Here are some great things to have on hand-
- Grocery bags for garbage
- Extra cash for rest stop vending machines, or toll booths
- Paper towels
- Baby wipes for cleaning hands
- Gum, or sunflower seeds
- Snacks and drinks for the ride – our kids love easy to eat things like applesauce pouches, slim jims, etc… plus, drinks that can be re-sealed for kiddos for sure
- Anti-nausea medicines, just in case. Dramamine was my best friend as a kid riding through winding roads in West Virginia
- Neck pillows for napping
- Headphones for electronic devices
What else would you add? Let us know in the comments!
Car Friendly Games and Activities
Now, things have come a long way since I was a kid, and there are so many great options of things to do while you are riding in the car, like car-adapted games, etc… here are some really handy ideas we’ve found.
- Trivia games
- Dry erase games for 1-2 players
- For toddlers, a lap activity book is so helpful
- You’ll definitely remember these fun handheld aqua rings games
- Another great license plate scavenger hunt idea, and with this game, kids can compete!
- Hangman is always a fun game with this one that is perfect for the car.
- Road trip bingo!
You might find that these car backseat organizers really help you stay organized with all of your activities on your road trip.
Need inspiration for where to go? Check out these 11 road trip ideas for families.
Hopefully this gave you some great ideas for keeping kids entertained on road trips this Summer! Don’t forget to also leave your tips in the comments below, and I hope you enjoy our road trip printable games! Next time, we’ll talk about easy make-ahead snacks for the road!