Zoo Scavenger Hunt Printable
I’m so excited for today’s printable- this Zoo Scavenger Hunt is so cute, and I am obsessed! We recently renewed our membership to The Birmingham Zoo, and I can’t wait to take this next time- the boys are so excited about finding the animals and being able to check off all the ones that they see. I can also do more animals so if you like this let me know and I can create some different ones with different animals for your little ones to find at the zoo.
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Zoo Scavenger Hunt Printable

Tomorrow is actually kindergarten graduation for my oldest son, and school is out in just one week! I’m already planning some Summer fun and we will definitely be spending many days at the zoo this year. I encourage you to look at membership options at your local zoo- ours is about the same price as just TWO visits for our family, plus we get discounts to a lot of the events, and a ton of ride and attraction tickets that can be exchanged for free carousel rides, train rides, lorikeet feeding, and more!

I love being able to visit and take my time and not feel like we have to rush through every exhibit. With the membership, we can take our time and read about the animals as we go, which means lots of learning opportunities.
If you want to download this Zoo Scavenger Hunt printable to add some fun to your next zoo visit, just sign up for my email list below.

The zoo is always a staple of our Summer. I love finding even more ways to keep my boys learning about the animals we see there. We recently did this zoo themed sensory bin, which my boys loved, too. There are so many fun zoo activities that you can do to keep the fun going at home.
What animals do your kids love to see at the zoo? Tell us in the comments!

how can I get a copy of the zoo scavenger hunt
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