15 Best Spring Picture Books for Kids
Spring is here, can you believe it? I feel like Spring is a time for new beginnings, even if to some people it is the least interesting season that we have. I know my boys get excited for Summer, for Fall, and for the Holidays, but Spring comes and goes with the passing time, without much celebrating. So, I try to teach them about Spring and how it is a time for new things and nature and slowing down with a good book. Here are 15 of the best Spring picture books for kids.
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I set a goal to read to my boys each day for a few minutes. Sometimes we read one book, and sometimes we read 3 or 4 of them, it just depends on the day. They have their old favorites, but I try to bring new books into their rotation, too. Once we outgrow books or aren’t interested in them anymore we donate them so that we don’t end up with too many. This year I’m especially wanting to add The Gardeners and The Honeybee to their collection. I am a Chip and Joanna Gaines fan, so The Gardeners book is just a lot of fun, and then The Honeybee opens up a great discussion with them about saving the honeybees on our planet. These books are all really great choices.

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt – Kate Messner
Age: 8-12 years
Grade Level: 3-7
This book is an exploration of life in the garden during Spring- from leaves and growing vegetables to earthworms and snakes in the dirt.
When Spring Comes – Kevin Henkes
Age: 4-8 years
Grade Level: Pre K-3
This book is a celebration that Spring has arrived.
Worm Weather – Jean Taft
Age: 3-5 years
Grade Level: Pre K-K
A rainy Spring day finds a worm delighted with the Springtime weather.
Bunny’s Book Club – Annie Silvestro
Age: 3-7 years
Grade Level: Pre K-2
Go on a top-secret trip to the library with Bunny in this book that celebrates the power of books.

We Are the Gardeners – Joanna Gaines
Age: 4-8 years
Grade Level: K-2
In this book, the Gaines family shares how they’ve learned to grow a happy, successful garden. There are always new lessons to be learned in the garden!
If You Plant A Seed – Kadir Nelson
Age: 4-8 Years
Grade Level: Pre K-3
This book explores the power of even the smallest acts and the rewards of compassion and generosity.
And Then It’s Spring – Julie Fogliano
Age: 4-7
Grade Level: 1-2
A young boy and his dog have had enough of Winter and decide to plant a garden.
Spring Is Here (Bear and Mole Story) – Will Hillenbrand
Age: 3-6
Grade Level: Pre K-1
Mole cooks bear a special treat to get him out of bed (hibernation), now that Spring is on its way.

A Walk Through the Woods – Louise Greig
Age: 5+
Grade Level: K+
A walk through the woods exploring the creatures of the forest as they get ready for Spring.
Bunny Roo, I Love You – Melissa Marr
Age: 3+
Grade Level: PreK+
This book aimed at younger readers explore all of the ways mama takes care of her baby through all kinds of mama animal examples, reassuring children everywhere that their caretakers are always there for them to keep them safe.
Bear Wants More – Karma Wilson
Age: 3-8 years
Grade Level: Pre K-3
Bear is awake from hibernation and he is hungry! How will his friends help him find more things that he can eat?
Let It Rain – Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Age: 3-5 years
Grade Level: Pre K-K
The snow is melting, flowers are blooming, and the rain is falling. Celebrate all of the wonderful signs of Spring!

The Honeybee – Kirsten Hall
Age: 4-8
Grade Level: Pre K-3
Buzz from flower to flower with a sweet honeybee in this clever picture book.
Too Many Carrots – Katy Hudson
Age: 3-5
Grade Level: Pre K-1
Rabbit loves carrots a little too much, and they are crowding him out of his burrow. This book shows us how friendships get us over rough spots in life.
Flowers Are Calling – Rita Gray
Age: 4-7
Grade Level: Pre K-3
This book shows us the marvel of natural cooperation between plants, animals, and insects as they each play their part in the forest’s cycle of life.
If you are looking to make reading a part of your daily routine, I definitely recommend setting up a cozy place to read. Here are some things you could use-
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